Our Role

About us

The OCQ comprises nearly 1400 members, doctors in chiropractic, working in every region of Quebec.

Our mission is to protect the public by ensuring the competence and professionalism of doctors in chiropractic, and the quality of care and services delivered to the Quebec population.

To do so, we establish standards of practice that all chiropractors must adhere to, follow a rigorous professional inspection program, and create compulsory continuing education programs that maximize professional knowledge.

The OCQ is an official reference with regard to the evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of neuromusculoskeletal disorders.

Our role and services

  • Monitor access to the practice of the profession by evaluating the education and competence of candidates with regard to the practice of the profession of chiropractic in Quebec.
  • Evaluate and monitor the practice of the profession of members, as well as their professional conduct.
  • Ensure the maintenance of members’ knowledge through continuing education.
  • Receive and handle public complaints.
  • Monitor the illegal practice of chiropractic.
  • Take a position with respect to the media and the public as a key reference in neuromusculoskeletal health.

Do you have questions regarding the profession of chiropractor or do you want to consult a chiropractor? Do you want to know how to file a complaint? Click on one of the previous headings or feel free to contact us.

Did you know?

The OCQ is one of 46 professional orders in Quebec and is governed by framework legislation, the professional Code (C.Q.L.R., c. C-26). Professional orders are governed by a series of laws and regulations, and must fulfill the primary mission with which they are entrusted by the government: to ensure public protection.

Did you know?

The Quebec Interprofessional Council

The OCQ is a member of the Quebec Interprofessional Council (CIQ), which is the collective voice of our province’s professional orders. The CIQ also acts as an advisory organization for the Quebec government, while serving as a reference for the public and future professionals.

As an entity that comprises all professional orders, the CIQ is committed to promoting and defending the professional system on the basis of the orders shared values and the public interest.

To fulfill its mission with respect to the professional orders, the CIQ provides opportunities for discussion and assistance, while acting as a mobilizing agent on issues that pertain to the professional system and that have an impact on it. It brings together representatives of professional orders and, when necessary, various experts who take part in committees, work groups and discussion forums.