
President: Dr. Philippe Larivière, Chiropractor

Dr Philippe Larivière, chiropraticien

Dr. Larivière has been a member of the Ordre Board of Directors since June 2012. He held the elected positions of Secretary-Treasurer from 2014 to 2016 and Vice President from 2016 until his election as President of the Ordre in June 2022.

Dr. Larivière is also involved at the national level with the Federation of Canadian Chiropractic, an organization dedicated to protecting the public by promoting national excellence in regulatory practices. He served as Secretary-Treasurer from April 2016 before becoming President in November 2020.

In May 2019, Dr. Larivière was appointed to the planning committee of the Conseil interprofessionnel du Québec (CIQ), the collective voice of Quebec’s 46 professional orders. He was appointed for a second term in May 2021. The CIQ is an advisory body to the Quebec government and a reference point for the general public and future professionals.

Still in active practice in Sainte-Foy, Dr. Larivière is driven by values of collaboration, rigour and integrity. He hopes to see the health network decompartmentalized and professional skills shared to the greatest extent possible, in order to improve quality health care readily available for the greater good of Quebec’s population.